Can Scalp Psoriasis Cause Baldness?

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When psoriasis affects the scalp, there is chance for hair loss to occur on the affected area. But typically, this kind of hair loss is temporary. Once the problem goes away, hairs usually will grow back.

Typically scalp psoriasis doesn’t cause baldness (a condition of when hairs that fall out cannot grow back without medical intervention such as with hair transplant). If it does cause baldness, the hair loss is usually temporary, as noted before.

The symptoms of scalp psoriasis can come & go (chronic), and this also can vary from person to person. While some can have many flare-ups that can range from mild to severe, others only have one /some mild flare-ups.

However, the flare-up should be preventable with appropriate treatment and some lifestyle approaches. Typically, it is often triggered by dry air, cold, or even stress.

What are the treatment options?

In general, the use of steroid medication with injection is one of common choices for mild cases of scalp psoriasis that only affect a few areas.

If the problem doesn’t respond to topical treatment options, dermatologist may use an appropriate phototherapy such as with non-laser /laser light therapy. The use of phototherapy with brief periods of getting exposure to sunlight may also be recommended, especially if sufferer has very thin hair.

Oral vitamin D or/and A derivative, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and corticosteroids are some oral medications (some can be delivered by an infusing /injection) for moderate to severe cases of scalp psoriasis. But since these  medicines can be potential to cause serious side effects, the use of them must be with prescription or needs careful monitoring by a doctor!

In addition, there are also available new medicines called biologics (they are now approved by FDA). They can help modify /improve the mechanism of how the immune systems works so thus the over-productions of new skin cells can be controlled – discuss more with a dermatologist for in-depth information about these medicines!

There is currently no cure for the problem, it can come & go. But along with some lifestyle approaches, some treatments are available to help improve & control the symptoms, and prevent the flare-up from recurring.

Citations /references:


All of these sites accessed on June 2014


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