Does Coconut Oil Raise Blood Pressure?

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In general, occassionally cooking with coconut oil is no problem. So far, most of studies that learn and analyze the impact of this solid vegetable oil to the health are more focused on its short-term effect on the LDL and HDL levels. There is poor information about its long-term effect to the risk of heart disease.

However, its HDL boosting effect is not enough to say that it is as healthful as olive oil or soybean oil because it is also high in saturated fats that can increase LDL and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

If your goal is to help lower blood pressure, this vegetable oil is probably not the superlative option among the many available healthy oils.

In addition, while the issue of the link between coconut oil and increased risk of heart disease may be still debatable, avoid using one that is partially hydrogenated.

Even healthy vegetable oil rich in unsaturated fat that is labeled with partially hydrogenated can be bad for your health. Always remember that any partially hydrogenated oils are trans-fat (another kind of bad fat that can have a significant contribution to raise LDL in the bloodstream)!


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