Does Guttate Psoriasis Go Away On Its Own?

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In other words, most cases need medical intervention to interrupt the cycle of too quickly new skin cells production. Furthermore, the risk of complications from the disease also should be concerned as well!

The complications that may occur include:

  1. Severe itching.
  2. Secondary infections to the skin.
  3. And pain.

In general, the problem may clear and improve completely following the appropriate treatments. However, sometime it may become a lifelong (chronic) condition. Furthermore, there is also a chance for it to get worse.

The treatment plan is not only intended to improve and clear the symptoms. Again, the complications of the disease also should be concerned, particularly about the risk of secondary infection. Work with your doctor to find the best treatment!

The following are other major checklists for the prognosis and outlook of guttate psoriasis:

  1. Many times, the problem runs a self-limited course over a few months /several weeks with the entirely remission in about 60 percent – other cases can be chronic.
  2. The best prognosis is often found in sufferers with younger age. On the other hand, the worst prognosis is more likely to occur in sufferers with a family history of the same problem.
  3. Many patients worry about scarring, but it is actually not a serious issue that you should worry.
  4. There is a chance for recurrent episodes to occur. Many times, it occurs with pharyngeal carriage of streptococci.

The treatment options

The major goal is to help improve and control the symptoms. Moreover, it is also intended to prevent the complications, especially such as the secondary infections.

The use of antibiotics may be required. It is usually prescribed if patient has a recent or current infection! The good news, you usually don’t need to take hospitalization for mild case of the disease.

For mild guttate psoriasis, the following topical treatment options may be prescribed to treat the disease at home:

  1. Over-the-counter dandruff shampoo. It can help treat guttate psoriasis when it also affects the scalp.
  2. Cream that contains active ingredients such as coal tar or cortisone (anti-inflammatory & anti-itch).
  3. Moisturizers for daily skin care.
  4. Other topical treatments can include vitamin A and vitamin D.

Depending on the severity of the problem, topical treatments may be not powerful enough. Doctor can use a medicine (such as methotrexate and cyclosporine) that can suppress the immune system

Typically, medicines to suppress immune system for psoriasis are prescribed for severe cases of the disease.

Phototherapy (getting a controlled amount of ultraviolet (sunlight)) is another common treatment option. It can be used along with the prescription medicines for mild cases or sometime for severe cases of the disease.

It should be done under medical supervision. Getting too much exposure to sunlight /ultraviolet light can be counterproductive.

Citations /references:


All of these sites accessed on July 2014


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