Facts of Herbal Remedies for Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

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These findings seem promising, but there is still no clearly conclusion about this issue. More research is needed for the final answer. And so far, most of supplement products are not officially regulated as sickly as drugs /medications.

So to keep safe, again it’s much better to speak with your doctor /dermatologist before taking any supplement containing probiotics.

In some cases, probiotic-supplements may cause an allergic reaction that can be counterproductive. Some may also interact with medication that you /your children are taking.

How about with ‘Evening primrose oil’?

Another issue of alternative treatment for eczema is with Evening primrose. Does it really work?

In a clinical trial that analyze the effectiveness of Evening primrose oil in children with atopic dermatitis found that there is no a significant difference between children given the placebo and those taking Evening primrose oil.

In other words, it has not proven effective for eczema. These studies also found that the use of adding vitamin B6, vitamin E, or zinc supplements has not proven in relieving symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Cope with the problem with lifestyle approaches!

While the effectiveness of some alternative treatments and herbs mentioned above for eczema is still debatable, experts have confirmed that there are some changes of lifestyle that can help cope with the problem.

These lifestyle approaches include:

  1. Have a good stress management! Stress can worsen many health conditions, including eczema. Even many sufferers find that stress is one of triggers of the flare-up. So, you need to manage your stress as well. Some relaxation techniques can help you cope with stress!
  2. Learn the triggers of the flare-up or anything that can worsen the symptoms. These triggers can vary – here are some common triggers of eczema. Avoiding the triggers can be the best effort to prevent the flare-up.
  3. Never try scratching the affected skin!  Scratching can worsen the symptoms and make your skin itch even more!
  4. If necessary, use cool-wet compress and then apply it on the affected skin to help reduce the urge of scratching.
  5. Use a lukewarm water to wash your body! Too hot or too cold water can be bad for people with eczema. If necessary, use also a humidifier to keep the humidity of your room as ideal and friendly as possible for your skin!
  6. Avoid using harsh soaps! Instead, choose mild soaps – especially some without perfumes or dyes.  Harsh soaps with perfumes can make your skin dry even more. And dry skin can make the problem get worse.
  7. Use moisturizer (especially emollients) to help moisturize your skin! And it should be done as a part of daily skin-care routine. If you notice that your skin is already very dry, consider applying a lubricating cream to prevent the flare-up!

In addition, watch on what you wear – ensure you wear smooth-textured & cool cotton clothing! If you have eczema, remember that your skin is more sensitive than others.

Avoid using any clothes that are tight and rough. In general, clothes made from wool are not recommended for people with eczema. Furthermore, wear appropriate clothing during winter or summer to prevent excessive sweating!

Citations /references:

  1. http://www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/update2.html#Behavior Modification
  2. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eczema/basics/lifestyle-home-remedies/con-20032073

These references accessed on April 2014


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