How Does Osteoarthritis Differ From Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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Osteoarthritis (OA) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Difference factor
Typically, it develops gradually over time. However, sometime it also can occur suddenly due to accident /injury in sport activity. It is more likely to occur quickly, within a few weeks or months. The onset
It is much more likely to occur later in life. As mentioned before, OA is commonly associated with wear and tear on the joint as you age It can strike at any age, though commonly found at the ages of 40-60. Age
The symptoms can vary. But most likely, OA cause tenderness, join pain /ache, and with no swelling /little swelling. Joint pain also can be found in the affected joint by RA. But this can be more painful than in OA. RA usually also cause swelling and stiffness. Symptoms
Both OA and RA can cause feeling of stiffness in the morning. But in OA, this usually lasts faster (typically not more than one hour). But this symptom may also occur in the evening or after periods of activity. Patients with RA can experience morning stiffness that lasts longer than one hour. Morning stiffness
Typically, it affects the joint asymmetrically or only on one side – though there is also a chance for it to affect the joints of both sides of the body. Knee is the most commonly affected. Hands (especially fingers and the base of thumb), spines, and hips are other common sites where OA occurs. It can affect both large and small joints such as fingers, elbows, wrists, and knees. And it usually affects the joint symmetrically such as both elbows and both hands. Patterns of the affected joint
It does not spread to other parts of the body, and is not contagious. However, some sufferers with OA can have it in more than one joint – see this section for more information! Yes, there is a chance for it to spread throughout the body – but is not contagious. Typically it strikes the smaller joints first, which then may spread to other larger joints. Can it spread?
Typically, it doesn’t cause whole-body symptoms. The symptoms are more likely to stay in the affected joint – though they can be felt in the nearby parts of the body. For instance, OA of hips may also cause some discomfort symptoms that can be felt in the feet – depending on the severity of the problem. Since RA is considered as autoimmune disorder, sometime sufferer can feel a general feeling of being sick. Can
it be systemic?
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Last accessed on September 2014


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