Is Dizziness a Symptom of Fibromyalgia?

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  1. Cognitive problems such as difficulty concentrating.
  2. Hemorrhoids – inflamed /swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus.
  3. Anxious feeling.
  4. Pain may also occur after exertion.
  5. Some patients with fibromyalgia don’t only experience increased sensitivity to pain – but also to smells, bright lights, and noises.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity.
  7. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
  8. Tingling (paresthesia).
  9. RLS (restless legs syndrome) – a condition characterized by uncomfortable feeling in the legs, typically it occurs in the evening. People with RLS often get up and move around to temporarily make this discomfort go away.
  10. Depression.

How does fibromyalgia cause dizziness?

One of possible causes may come from sleep deprivation. The disease can be painful during flare-up, and this can disturb the sleep of patient. And when your body don’t get plenty of sleep, you are more likely to experience fatigue and dizziness.

Sleep deprivation is not only about lack of quantity, but also lack of quality. Even though you sleep for long periods, but if the quality of your sleep is poor, your body cannot get what it needs optimally.

In addition, people with fibromyalgia are also at greater chance of having other sleep problems such as sleep apnea.

How to cope with the problem?

First, it’s important to get to know the exact cause of your dizziness. There are numerous conditions associated with dizziness, so fibromyalgia is not the only one.

To keep safe, see a doctor promptly particularly if the symptom last longer than what you think or if it often comes and goes (chronic).

If your dizziness is not related to any health condition, it usually improves with the following lifestyle measures:

  1. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol because they can make the problem worse!
  2. Stand up carefully (slowly) and avoid suddenly moving your body (especially your head)!
  3. Get plenty of rest with good sleep!
  4. Manage your stress as well!
  5. When the dizzy strikes, sit /lie down your body immediately!
  6. Keep hydrated!
  7. Be aware that the problem may cause the body’s imbalance, putting you at greater chance of falling. So when you feel dizzy, it’s much better to avoid walking.
Citations /references:


Last accessed on September 2014


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