Does Plan B (Morning-after Pill) Affect Menstrual Cycle?

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Typically, your next menstrual period should come within 7 days of the expected date. But if you miss your period for more than 21 days (3 weeks), take a home pregnancy test immediately!

If the result of test is positive, we know clearly that it is a sign that you are being pregnant. But if it shows negative, there may be other factors that affect your period, such as stress – to keep safe consult with a doctor for more advice!

What are the side effects?

Some women report that they experience unusual symptoms after taking morning-after pill! The side effects may vary from woman to woman.

The following are common side effects associated with the use of emergency contraception [4]:

  1. Change in menstrual period, but it usually occurs temporarily. Once your body gets back its hormonal balance, your regular periods will return to normal.
  2. Tiredness /fatigue.
  3. Nausea.
  4. And headache.

Not all women can take emergency contraception!

If you have one or some of the following conditions, you should not use morning-after pills without prescription from your doctor:

  1. If you experience unusual vaginal bleeding with unknown reason. To keep safe, see a doctor first before taking any pill.
  2. If you have DVT (deep venous thrombosis) or clotting disorder. In fact, women with this health problem are not recommended to take Plan B One-Step.
  3. And again, if you do believe that you have become pregnant, the use of any emergency contraception is useless or even may become counterproductive for your health and your fetus.
Citations /references:


All of these citations accessed on January 2014


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