What to Do for Psoriasis on Hands and Feet?

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Dermatologists may also recommend the combination of retinoids and phototherapy (getting a controlled exposure to sunlight). This technique is also called PUVA (psoralen-UVA). It use the light therapy along with taking psoralen.

In many cases, this technique is helpful and effective enough to help treat psoriasis on hands and feet. Psoralen in PUVA can be prescribed either topically (applied like paint) or orally (by mouth) – depending on the respond of the problem to the treatment.

The combination of phototherapy and low doses of retinoids are also intended to help minimize the risks of side effects from the treatment.

Currently, experts say that the use of PUVA is the most effective treatment for sole and palm psoriasis – there are also special phototherapy units that are specially designed to treat the affected soles and palms.

Psoriasis also can affect nails, for more detailed information about this issue, visit this section!

The treatment options for severe cases of psoriasis on hands and feet

Sometime the use of treatments mentioned before doesn’t work. For severe case, the use of biologics may be the answer.

Biologics means the use of medication that can target specific part of the body immune system. This can be more powerful in suppressing immune system and improving difficult cases of psoriasis.

This treatment is usually given by IV (intravenous) infusion or injection. A biologic is a kind of protein-based medicine processed from living cells cultured in a special laboratory.

And there is a chance for different subtypes of psoriasis to respond differently to the treatment.

While the treatment can help treat and control the problem, but there are also some side effects that you need to concern before taking it! It’s always recommended to discuss first with your doctor about this issue, and make sure the benefits of the treatment outweigh the side effects.

In many cases, the treatment only cause mild and moderate side effect that will not stop taking the treatment. These include:

  1. Injection site reaction.
  2. Symptoms of common flu.
  3. Infections related to respiratory.

However, it may also cause serious side effects such as:

  1. The risk of developing certain cancers.
  2. Disorders that affect nervous system such as seizures and multiple sclerosis.
  3. Blood disorders.

Typically, this treatment is not recommended if you have one or some of the following conditions:

  1. An active infection.
  2. Your body immune system is drastically compromised.

It may also be used for pregnant women with psoriasis – but this option is only allowed if there is a clear medical requirement. Currently, the effect of this treatment for pregnant women or women with breastfeeding is not known yet.

Home remedies

Along with the treatment plan prescribed by your dermatologist, a few lifestyle changes and home remedies may also help. These include:

  1. Control your stress as well because stress can worsen the problem!
  2. Control your weight because gaining more pounds of excessive weight also can be bad for the prognosis of the problem, as noted before!
  3. Avoid other triggers that can make the problem get worse. These may include smoking, injuries & infections to your skin.
  4. Avoid consuming alcohol, because alcohol may make the treatment work less effectively!

The good news, some people find that lifestyle measures can help a lot to cope with psoriasis and keep it off. See more their experiences in this site!

Citations /references:

  1. http://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis/specific-locations/hands-feet-nails
  2. http://umm.edu/health/medical/reports/articles/psoriasis
  3. http://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis/treatments/biologics

All of these sites accessed on July 2014


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