Tips to Cope with Psoriasis Sleep Deprivation

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Make your bedroom as comfortable as possible!

Too hot /too cold temperature can disturb the quality of your sleep. To cope with it, you tend to use air conditioner or heater. But it’s also much better to use humidifier since low humidity can worsen dry skin.

Dry skin is a nightmare for psoriasis. While the disease itself can be the reason of why you are more vulnerable of having dry skin, dry skin can be a trigger of the flares and make the symptoms of the disease get worse. Visit this section for home remedies to help keep your skin moist!

Excessive light and loud noise also can have the same effect on the quality of your sleep. Even luminescent lights and slightest noise at night may still disturb you to fall asleep deeply.

For these reasons, avoid watching TV in the bedroom and keep the room dark for your best comfort! If you don’t like dark, a small night-light may help. If necessary, use ear plugs to eliminate any sound!

Dealing with itching

The urge of scratching can be very bothersome, and in fact dealing with itching can be one of the most challenging things if you have psoriasis, especially during flares of the disease. Moreover, this symptom is often reported as the common cause of sleep deprivation.

There are some treatments and home remedies to help reduce itch in psoriasis – visit this section!

5 basic keys to have a good night’s sleep

There are lots of things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. But you should keep in mind the following basic strategies:

  1. Avoid getting oversleep! Many times, we tend to spend more hours for sleeping after having a poor night’s sleep. But it is actually a starting point for the disturbance of your normal sleep cycle.
  2. Set a bedtime regularly! Go sleep and get up about the same time for every day!
  3. After you have lost sleep, you tend to pay it by napping longer than usual. But this idea is bad and put you at greater chance of going sleep lately at night. Therefore, if you need to have a nap, make sure to do it not more than 30 minutes or avoid it.
  4. Keep active throughout the day – do exercise regularly, but avoid exercise just before bed!
  5. ! Unfortunately, psoriasis sufferers are more likely to become a sedentary individual. The disease itself can be embarrassing, particularly when it affects the visible spots of the skin. Lack of physical activity is bad for your mood, weight control, and may make you become more difficult to fall asleep at night.
  6. Once you get back the cycle of your normal sleep, keep it! Even in the weekend, always try to go sleep on time!

Avoid nicotine!

Nicotine is also a stimulant and it can you keep alert. So if you smoke near bedtime, it can make you difficult to fall asleep.

It’s clear that nicotine is harmful for your overall health. It also can worsen your psoriasis. If you are a smoker, consider quitting!

Say no for meals and drink ‘near bedtime’!

Avoid drinking anything after 8 p.m! If you drink any fluids near bedtime, this can increase your chance of awakening from sleep due to the urge to urinate!

Getting meals near your bedtime (particularly for heavy meals) also should be avoided.

If your sleep deprivations or other sleep-related problems do bother you a lot or get worse, see your doctor or dermatologist for more advice!

Citations /references:


These citations last accessed on August 2014


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