How to Treat Eczema behind Ears?

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  1. If the problem is non-eczema and it causes infection, it can be treated locally. This option can use medicated ear-cream or drops. Sometime doctor may treat the problem orally by prescribing an antibiotic. If you need to take antibiotic, make sure to take it entirely in order to reduce the risk of infection to recur.
  2. If the problem is caused by atopic or seborrhoeic eczema, this should not be left untreated. In general, the use of emollient cream is the common treatment option for these kinds of eczema. Apply this cream to the affected skin frequently – even your doctor may ask you to use it as daily skin-care routine to improve the problem and prevent the flare-up. In severe cases, the use of more powerful active ingredients such as steroids may be prescribed.
  3. If your eczema causes infection, your doctor may prescribe cream containing steroid and antifungal to relieve the problem and fight against fungal infection. But if the infection is caused by bacteria, it can be treated with antibiotic and mild topical steroid. And the infection should be treated entirely to prevent the problem from returning by taking the whole course of medicine.
  4. Sometime, there is chance for the problem to cause a buildup of wax & skin scales. For this symptom, doctor may use warm water to wash the inside of ear. If the wax or scale is hard, the use of ear-drops may be needed to help soften it first.
  5. If you think that your problem is allergic atopic dermatitis, it’s better to see a dermatologist to get a clearly diagnosis. And if you do have allergic atopic dermatitis, your dermatologist can help you in finding what it is you are allergic to.

So, the kind of eczema and symptoms that you are experiencing will play a key role in determining the treatment options you need to follow. Ask & discuss with a doctor for more advice!

In addition, never try cleaning your ears on your own! This must be done with a qualified health professional. Wrong steps can be potential to damage the eardrum and this can be fatal!

Furthermore, avoid scratching the affected skin – particularly the inside of your ears. Scratching with anything such as with hair grips can damage ear-drum, even this also can worsen the problem because there is chance for infection to occur.

A guideline about ‘ear eczema factsheet’ published by NES (the National Eczema Society) – this file can be downloaded in (accessed on April 2014)

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