Why Is Alcohol Bad for Psoriasis?

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Alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of some treatments for psoriasis

According to a study (see the reference [3]), abusing ethanol may make some treatments for psoriasis work less effectively, particularly in men.

This study involved 94 sufferers (46 women and 48 men). Each sufferer was accessed before and after the treatment. Researchers found that the average daily intake of ethanol (more than 80 gm) was more frequently linked to less treatment-induced improvement.

Unfortunately, the way of how alcohol affects and decreases the effectiveness of the treatment is not fully understood yet.

Alcohol can interfere with the quality of your sleep

As written before, abusing alcohol can interfere with the cycle of your sleep which then can affect the quality of your sleep.

If you sleep deprivation, you are more likely to become easier to get stress. And as well we know, stress can make the symptoms of psoriasis get worse. Sometime stress also can be a trigger of the flares.

Alcohol may have an effect in put you at greater chance of obesity

Obesity is one of risk factors of psoriasis. Therefore, weight control can be an effective lifestyle approach to help control the disease.

Actually, it’s unclear whether there is a direct link between abusing alcohol and the risk of obesity. But the following reasons may be the answer:

  1. You can experience some symptoms of low blood glucose in the morning after drinking such as feeling of tiredness & lethargy. To cope with these symptoms, then your body will be craving and you tend to lose control on what you eat.
  2. Alcohol drinks also contain high calories, and many people are not aware with this issue!
  3. People who have habit of abusing alcohol are also more likely to become a sedentary individual.

Alcohol may trigger the symptoms of psoriasis to flare up

While it can make some treatments work less effectively, some sufferers also find that it can cause the symptoms of the disease to flare up.

The effect of alcohol on psoriasis may vary from sufferer to sufferer. But many experts agree that it should be avoided for people with psoriasis.

Citations /references:

  1. http://www.brown.edu/Student_Services/ Health_Services/Health_Education/ alcohol,_tobacco,_&_other_drugs/ alcohol/alcohol_&_your_body.php
  2. http://oade.nd.edu/educate-yourself-alcohol/your-body-and-alcohol/
  3. http://www.experts.umich.edu/pubDetail.asp?n=Charles+N+Ellis&u_id=3240&oe_id=1&o_id=36&id=27211716
  4. www.noo.org.uk/uploads/doc/vid_14627_Obesity_and_alcohol.pdf
  5. http://www.wakehealth.edu/Health-Encyclopedia/Health-Topics/Psoriasis.htm

All of these citations accessed on August 2014


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