Are Bald Men More Fertile – Fact or Myth?

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Testosterone is a kind of male hormone that can significantly affect fertility in men. And baldness in men is also closely associated with male hormone changes – though genetic trait can play a key role. The famous bald men that you know very familiar such as Michael Jordan and Bruce Willis are very popular with their masculine and great muscles figures. And many women love them a lot. But does becoming bald make you become more fertile?

The role of testosterone in male fertility

Testosterone can be found in women, but it is much greater in men. This kind of hormone plays a significant important role in producing sperms.

A condition to describe too low level of testosterone production in men is medically called male hypogonadism. Infertility is one of common complications that may occur from this health condition.

If you are a man, having healthy sperm is one of keys you need to have to get your partner pregnant. The healthy sperm production involves a complex process. Initially ‘during puberty’, this requires the appropriate growth & formation of reproductive organs.

Eventually, the testicles can work optimally in producing sperms. To trigger and maintain the production of your sperm, your body needs at least one of your testicles works correctly. Furthermore, the adequate production of testosterone and other essential hormones are needed!

image_illustration75The following is the summary of the testosterone’s crucial function for men:

  1. During pregnancy (in the embryonic /fetal stages), this hormone promotes the development of some major parts of male reproductive system such as scrotum. It is also important for the development of early structures of sperm production.
  2. During puberty, it is needed to help support the development of body hair, stronger bones, stronger muscles, and the growth of testes. In the age of between 8 to 14 years-old, the production of testosterone in boys can increase sharply. This may also be responsible for acne to occur.
  3. During adulthood, plenty of testosterone production is important to trigger and support the sperm production – and for male sexual desire. Low testosterone can affect the amounts of sperm in the semen (low sperm count). It may also affect the sperm motility (movement) and even morphology (the shape & structure of sperm).

Bald men tend to have more testosterone – is it true?

One of causes of baldness is due to more testosterone hormones that are converted into another hormone called DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT can shrink the hair follicles which then can make the follicles become thinner over time. The male baldness usually starts from receding hairline. It also can be followed with thinning hair on the scalp.

With unclear reasons, affected hair follicles tend to become more sensitive to DHT. As a result, these follicles grow slower than usual and begin to shrink. The interesting fact is not all hairs of men with baldness fall out. For instance, the hairs of armpits and beards don’t experience the same problem like the hairs on the scalp.

Since testosterones are the source of where DHT is made, there is an opinion that bald men are more likely to have more testosterone than non-bald men. In other words, men with high testosterone may be at greater chance of developing baldness.

But in fact, there is still no clearly evidence to confirm this issue. Baldness doesn’t always occur in men with high testosterone. Even men with low testosterone also can experience baldness. In general, genetic trait often plays a key role in increasing the risk of baldness.

So, are bald men more fertile than others?

Though bald men may be more likely to have greater amounts of testosterone, but this doesn’t mean that men with baldness are definitely more fertile than others. In fact, the testosterone level in bald men also can vary – as noted before.

In general, there is still no scientific evidence to confirm that baldness has a direct link to the increasing level of male fertility.


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