Are There Any Early Onset Type-2 Diabetes Symptoms?

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Unfortunately, most patients with prediabetes usually also don’t have diabetes symptoms. If the symptoms are present, they’s also likely to be very vague and can point to other health conditions.

To diagnose prediabetes, you usually need several tests – such as the hemoglobin A1C test, OGTT test (oral test to analyze the glucose tolerance), or FPG /the fasting plasma glucose test.

Should you take tests for prediabetes? According to WebMD, the tests are commonly recommended in people with the following factors:

  1. Are older than 44 years of age.
  2. Are overweight (having 25 of BMI /body mass index or over) and they also have some of the following conditions; (a) personal history of cardiovascular disease, (b) high cholesterol, (c) personal history of gestational diabetes, (d) family history of type-2 or type-1 diabetes, (e) personal history of having abnormal blood sugar, (f) physically inactive, (g) if they have polycystic ovary syndrome, (h) belong to ethnic groups that have high risk of diabetes, and (i) if they have signs of insulin resistance!

Why is it crucial to get early diagnosis of prediabetes?

Your chance to prevent type-2 diabetes is greater if the disease is successfully diagnosed before it occurs. Therefore, it’s important to identify and diagnose prediabetes as early as possible.

Early diagnosis of prediabetes is also very helpful to lower the risk of complications related with diabetes, especially heart disease.

A study called DPP /the Diabetes Prevention Program found that appropriate exercises and a well-balanced diet are two keys that may work effectively to prevent diabetes in people who are diagnosed with prediabetes.


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