Causes of Gnawing Stomach Pain after Eating!

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Gnawing stomach pain after eating can point to several different health conditions, particularly problems that affect the digestive system. The abdomen is located between the chest and pelvis – it is one of the crucial parts of your digestive system.

As the name implies, stomach pain is the pain that occurs in the abdomen /stomach. Nevertheless, it also can be triggered by inflammation or infection from other parts of the digestive system or other distinct parts of the body.

It’s normal to have mild abdomen pain from time to time (particularly if it occurs with known reason, for example after eating too much spicy foods). But when it comes too often or chronic, or intense (severe) without known reason, or followed with other worrisome symptoms (such as chest pain or bloody diarrhea) – never ignore it!

For mild pain, see also home remedies for digestive problems!

Again as mentioned before, there are a lot of possible reasons behind the symptom – from the mild ones (such as a pulled muscle or just a abdominal bloating) to more serious health problems.

One of key-variables to help identify the reason of stomach pain is the specific location where the pain occurs.

Abnormal pain of the upper right abdomen

This symptom is probably associated with the following health conditions [reference]:

  1. Intestinal obstruction (a condition of when there is an obstruction that affects the way of food in the digestive track).
  2. Inflammation that occur in the lining of stomach, such as gastritis.
  3. Inflammation of bile duct or medically called as ‘cholangitis’.
  4. The effect of condition when there are some hardened stools that cannot be wasted properly or familiar called as fecal impaction.
  5. Gallstones /a condition to describe hardened digestive fluid deposits that form in the gallbladder.
  6. Liver inflammation, such as hepatitis.
  7. Certain injury.
  8. Problems that affect kidneys, such as cancer of kidney, kidney stones, or kidney infection.
  9. Problems of liver such as hepatitis, cancer of liver, hemangioma, or liver abscess.
  10. Problems of pancreas such as cancer or just inflammation of pancreas.
  11. Peptic ulcer (either duodenal or stomach ulcer).
  12. Inflammation that affects membranes surrounding the lungs or medically called ‘pleurisy’.
  13. A condition of blood loss that flows to the lungs or medically called as pulmonary infarction.
  14. Shingles (a painful rash that triggered by viral infection).
  15. Cancer of gallbladder.
  16. Inflammation of appendix (appendicitis).
  17. Inflammation of one /more diverticula (diverticulitis).
  18. Pneumonia – inflammation that occurs in the lung due to infection.
  19. Hiatal hernia – a condition of when the part of abdomen pushes upward.
  20. Pericarditis (inflamed tissues surrounding the heart).
  21. Cancer of the stomach.

Abnormal pain of upper left abdomen

In such case, the pain may be linked to the following health problems:

  1. Diverticulitis.
  2. A condition of decreased blood flow to the heart, or medically called angina.
  3. Splenomegaly – a condition of enlarged spleen.
  4. Gastritis.
  5. Hiatal hernia.
  6. Problems of Kidneys such as kidney stones and kidney infection.
  7. Inflammation of pancreas.
  8. Pulmonary infarction.
  9. Ruptured spleen, it is an emergency condition in which the spleen breaks in its surface.
  10. Infections that occurs in the spleen.
  11. A condition of a weakened area in the first section of the major blood vessel that has function to feed blood to the body – this health condition is medically called ‘thoracic aortic aneurysm’.
  12. Infection of the linings surrounding your lungs or familiar called empyema.
  13. Heart attack.
  14. Pneumonia.
  15. Shingles.
  16. Injury.
  17. Fecal impaction.
  18. And cancer.

Abnormal pain of lower abdomen

This symptom is commonly associated with the following problems:

  1. Inflammation of bladder (cystitis).
  2. Ectopic pregnancy (a condition fertilized egg that attaches in the wrong place such as in the fallopian tubes).
  3. Intestinal obstruction.
  4. Cysts of ovary – in women.
  5. Infection of a part of the female reproductive organs (such as PID or pelvic inflammatory disease).
  6. Fallopian tubes infection – in women.
  7. Appendicitis.
  8. Diverticulitis.
  9. Painful sensation related with ovulation (mittelschmerz).
  10. And endometriosis (a painful disorder that occurs when the tissues of uterus grows outside the uterus) – in women.

Abnormal pain of center abdomen

This may be caused by one /some of the following reasons:

  1. Too much ketone in the blood (diabetic ketoacidosi).
  2. The obstruction of the gut.
  3. Pancreas inflammation /pancreatitis.
  4. A condition of too much waste products in the bloodstream – medically called uremia.
  5. Appendicitis
  6. Injury that affects stomach or digestive system.
  7. A problem that affects blood flow to the gut, such as a condition called mesenteric thrombosis.
  8. Thoracic aortic aneurysm

And for stomach pain that doesn’t focus on one location

In such case, the following are some of possible causes:

One Comment
  1. sachin
    June 3, 2013 | Reply

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