Early Signs of Pregnancy First 2 Weeks

Pregnancy is one of the most challenging phases in a woman life. In this period, you will experience a lot of changes with your body. Actually, the most effective way to know whether or not you get conception is by taking a pregnancy test. However sometimes we know early pregnancy from certain symptoms. Although these can vary, here are some early signs of pregnancy in the first 1 – 2 weeks.


In the early weeks of your pregnancy, fatigue could be one of the most noticeable symptoms. Sometimes it may be very bothersome, and even could also be intense enough to affect your productivity.

However, fatigue is a very vogue symptom because it can points to a wide range of different conditions. The presence of fatigue alone is not enough to tell you that you are being pregnant.

How does pregnancy cause fatigue? Though fatigue is very common in pregnant women, unfortunately it is not fully understood yet!

But there are some theories – one of them is due the increasing hormones in early weeks after conception. Your body needs to do lots of changes to prepare pregnancy, and this may play a key role in making fatigue more likely.


It is usually characterized by mild /slight bleeding ‘spotting’ that occurs between periods. In the first 2 – 3 weeks of pregnancy, many women think that it is a sign of the first day of their menstruation.

Spotting is different than menstrual bleeding. It’s a sign when the fertilized egg is successfully attached on the uterus.

When does spotting occur? The answer is dependent on when you get the conception. Bu in general, you usually would notice it about a week after your conception. It usually lasts shorter than your menstruatal bleeding, typically only for about 1 – 2 days.


Like fatigue, headache is also a vague symptom so it’s not always easy to explain clearly why it occurs during pregnancy.

The increased blood volume that causes the dilation of blood vessels, along with the increased pregnancy hormone levels may play a role. Furthermore other factors (e.g. low blood sugar, vomiting and nausea) are quite common in early weeks of first trimester.

All these things may also contribute to cause headache. For example, migraine is one of common things reported in early pregnancy (though it doesn’t affect all women). This kind of headache typically attacks one side of your head. It may also be accompanied by feeling tingling in certain parts of the body or increasing sensitivity to the light.

Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)

Another common clue of early pregnancy is the presence of nausea and vomiting, also commonly popular called as morning sickness. Unlike the name implies, it not only occurs in the morning but can attack anytime throughout the day.

Again, experts believe that changes of hormones level may play a role in causing these discomfort nausea and vomiting. Sometimes taking prenatal vitamins may also have an effect.

Nausea and vomiting usually get worse in the first trimester and will improve naturally in the middle of second trimester. If they last longer than usual or if you feel they are very bothersome, see a doctor!

How to cope with morning sickness? There are plenty of options to deal with, and the main one is a few changes in your diet. The goal is how to not let you have an empty stomach. For this reason, try eating more smaller-meals throughout the day instead of eating 2-3 large meals a day.

Make sure you take the prenatal vitamins without empty stomach! Moreover, you can also try peppermint candies or lemon to ease queasiness.

Sore /swollen breasts

Typically, this symptom is clearly noticed about 4 weeks or more after your conception. But some pregnant women may notice it earlier. Again, changes of your hormones are likely responsible on this – but don’t worry it’s perfectly normal!

Changes in your sense of smell

Pregnancy hormones may make some women become more sensitive to certain smells such as coffee, perfume, or tobacco smoke. In such case — the best thing to do is by avoiding certain smells that bother you a lot, particularly such as cigarette smoking.

Food aversions or food cravings

While some women experience food cravings, others may have food aversions — or both! Uncomfortable feeling with sense of your smell may affect your appetite. Changes of appetite with pregnancy may also have to do with something else, like the increasing beta-hCG hormone levels.

What else?

Early pregnancy may also cause some of the following things [reference]:

  1. Mood swings.
  2. Abdominal cramps or often called as mild uterine cramps.
  3. Constipation without known reason.
  4. And late period, which is usually more noticeable in women with regular periods.

Warning signs (when to see a doctor)!

There are also some warning signs that may point to a problem and should be promptly treated. If you experience one or some of the following abnormal symptoms, see a doctor immediately!

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