Foods for Healthy Knee Joints

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Although the foods mentioned before are great for healthy knee joints, but some of them are also high in calories. So make sure to consume them in moderation!

If you eat them too much, you can gain more pounds of excessive weight. And if you are overweight, this can make your knee work harder to support your body, particularly when running, walking, or even when just standing (if you are obese).

Exercise for healthy knee joints

It’s undeniable that exercise is great for your entire health. But it is more than a healthy habit, because in fact it can be used for an effective & specific treatment for knee problems.

Appropriate exercise can help improve the strength of muscles around knee. As a result, these muscles can help support the function of the knee joints.

If the strength of your knee muscles is good, this can make your knee joints work easier. These muscles are also essential to hold the knee joints in the least painful and most functional position.

If you have certain health conditions (such as recurring injuries or osteoarthritis) that affect your joints, be smart in choosing exercise! Consider low-impact activities such as water aerobics or swimming.

The following are other tips that may help:

  1. Since muscles can play a role for healthy joints; don’t forget to get plenty of protein every day! Legumes, soy, nuts, beans, and lean meats are healthy sources for protein. Go for a variety and make sure to eat them moderately – again, remember that they also have calories!
  2. Build a strong core! Strengthening your core that includes abdomen, chest, and back also can help your knee joints.
  3. Understand the limit of your joints! Some activities can be too tough for your knee. To cope with this issue, always consider starting any kind of exercise gradually!
  4. If you need to take part in high-risk exercise /activities, always use knee pads for protection!

In addition, if you get an injury or swelling on your knee joints; take a cold pack /ice wrapped in a towel and then apply it on the affected area to help relieve pain naturally – for first aid!

Since tight muscles can be a trigger of injury, it’s also important to go with stretching before exercise.

And to keep safe, consult first with your doctor before starting your exercise particularly true if you have certain health condition!

Citations /references:


These links accessed on August 2014


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