Does Frozen Shoulder Affect Both Shoulders?

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So if you are a diabetic, it’s important to control your blood sugar level. Other possible serious complications from poorly-controlled diabetes include:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis (narrowing arteries), and angina (coronary artery disease).
  2. The risk of damage to nerve such as a condition called neuropathy. Chronic high blood sugar can hurt the walls of capillaries (very tiny blood vessels), causing some discomfort symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and even pain in the affected areas.
  3. More sensitive to some skin conditions, such as bacterial and fungal infections.
  4. Alzheimer’s disease, a condition that affects memory.
  5. Foot damage! Over time, poorly-controlled high blood sugar can lead to nerve damage in your feet. This can cause blisters and cuts with infections that are typically difficult to heal.
  6. The ability to hear can be impaired, too. In fact, diabetics are more often affected by hearing problems than people without diabetes.
  7. The risk of eye damage. Eye problems especially such as glaucoma and cataracts are pretty common in diabetics. Even poorly-controlled diabetes can be a significant risk factor for blood vessel damage in the retina that could lead to blindness.
  8. The risk of kidney damage! Kidney itself has crucial function to regulate many variables in the blood stream. For instance, it is important to help the body to control the level of uric acid in the blood. High blood sugar can cause narrowing arteries, leading to hypertension (high blood pressure). If the arteries that line to the kidney are affected, this can lead to kidney damage if left untreated.

Frozen shoulder related to other systemic conditions (such as cardiovascular disease and thyroid problem) may also have a greater role to lead to pain and stiffness that affect both shoulders.

Treatment options

The early treatment you take can significantly influence the prognosis and how fast the recovery from the disease, as noted before. So if you in doubt to any symptom in your shoulder, it is better to see your doctor promptly!

The treatment options for frozen shoulder can vary, but typically depending on the phase (stage) of the disease.

For example, the first stage of this joint condition is usually the most painful stage. For this reason, the treatment is usually intended and focused to help ease the pain. Exercise is still recommended, but you should not push too far in using the affected joint.

In the second stage (the phase when the pain gradually improves and then replaced by stiffness), physical therapy (such as stretching exercise) is more recommended.

  1. mary ellen hartzell
    October 29, 2018 | Reply
    • Endi Ssi
      November 20, 2018 | Reply
    • John
      December 27, 2019 | Reply
  2. Bernadette McClean
    December 14, 2020 | Reply
  3. Diane cate
    June 26, 2021 | Reply

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