Gout and Fruits to Avoid

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… Continued …

  1. Avocado.
  2. Bananas.
  3. Pineapples.
  4. Peaches.
  5. Green grapes.
  6. Cherries.
  7. Grapefruits.
  8. Melons.
  9. And many more.

However, some fruits can be very rich source for oxalate, too. These include kiwi, dried apricots, plums, red currants, dried figs, and rhubarb.

Some studies suggest that diet low in oxalate may help decrease the risk of forming another oxalate stone.

But since some foods rich in oxalate are healthful, too – you may not need to overly restrict the diet, unless is there a specific recommendation from your doctor!

How should your diet go?

Again, foods high purines are the main objects that you need to restrict in your diet if you have gout. But this is not the only one you need to concern.

The following are other major checklists you should not ignore:

  1. Drink adequate water a day! With plenty of water, your kidneys can work optimally in filtering excess uric acid and other waste products from bloodstream, and reducing the risk of forming kidney stones, as mentioned before.
  2. Watch on the calories to control your weight better! This is important since obesity can worsen all arthritis types, including gout. Remember that anything you eat has calorie content! Even fruits and vegetables have some calories.
  3. Most of your fat intake should be healthy fats (unsaturated fats). If you eat saturated fats too much, this is not only bad for your weight control but also can reduce the ability of your body in removing uric acid. Many foods high in saturated fats are high in purines, too!
  4. If necessary, avoid alcohol! See also the link between alcohol and gout!
  5. Since gouty arthritis is an inflammatory disorder, be careful to foods that promote inflammation in the body. For more information about these pro-inflammatory foods, visit this section!

Foods high in fructose (such as some with high-fructose corn syrup) should be restricted, too. Fructose is a kind of carbohydrate that has been confirmed can contribute to the increased uric acid in the body. For more guidance, consult more with your physician /dietitian!

Citations /references:

  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/kidney-stones/basics/causes/con-20024829
  2. http://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/diet


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