Keratosis pilaris can affect anyone. And it can occur anywhere, but there are some common parts of the body where it usually occurs. One of these places is upper arms. Unfortunately, the problem is often frustrating because it is difficult to treat. However, there are some treatment options that can help!
Other common sites where this skin condition usually occurs are thighs and buttocks. And on the upper arms, it is particularly common in teenagers.
This skin condition, commonly dubbed KP, can occur in babies and will remain for years. The good news, typically it is harmless and even will go away on its own. In many cases, it improves with age, typically at the age of about 30 – see more about the link between the prognosis of KP and age in here!
In general, the problem is more likely to get worse in the winter and improve in the summer. Dry skin may be the answer. In the winter, the skin is relatively easier to dry out.
And we know well that dry skin can make KP get worse. Therefore, it’s important to maintain the humidity of your room. If necessary, use a humidifier along with your furnace or heater unit in order to help keep your skin moist!
In some women, the problem may worsen during pregnancy. It’s not fully understood yet why pregnancy can make the problem get worse.
The patches of KP on the the affected upper arm (you can have the problem on one or both of your upper arms) usually will be covered in tiny spiky bumps, which can be red, white, or skin-colored! These patches can be goose pimples or such as ‘chicken skin’.
If you touch the affected skin, it feels rough, such as sandpaper. It may be itchy, though many times it is not itchy.
The complication such as skin inflammation may occur. But in general, again it is harmless and cannot spread from person to person (it is not contagious).
Experts believe that this skin condition can run in families, it is hereditary condition. If you have a family history of KP, your risk of having the same problem is higher than others.
KP occurs when cells of the skin that normally flake off from the skin goes awry. Many of these cells are what we call as keratin, essential protein for the skin.
The excessive keratin buildups block the opening of hair follicles, causing acne-like bumps with a dry ‘sandpaper’ feeling. The color can vary, but they are usually red or white.
Actually, keratin is an essential protein for the skin. Did you know the reason of why your skin has a waterproof barrier? Yap, keratin is the answer – and there are still lots of functions of keratin!
The exact reason of why keratin goes awry and causes buildups that block the opening of hair follicle is not fully understood. The keratin buildups can make the skin surface thicken – therefore we call the problem “keratosis”!
The affected skin can be unsightly, particularly true if you have the problem on the visible spots of your body. Fortunately, KP on the upper arms is relatively easier to hide.
Since it usually gets better naturally with age and doesn’t pose to any risk, the treatment is typically not necessary.
If you are looking for the treatment because it is bothering you a lot, there is little of treatment option that can be done. However, there are some options you can try that may help. These may include: