Natural Remedies for Dermatitis on Face

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  1. One of the best ways to help improve the problem and also to prevent the problem from recurring is by avoiding the cause or triggers. Avoid any chemical producing contact allergy, particularly if your problem is a contact dermatitis! And don’t forget to always use appropriate sunscreen if you have many outdoor activities.
  2. The urge of scratching can be bad for the problem. To help reduce this urge, some anti-itch products that can be used without prescription are available. These products contain some active ingredients such as calamine and hydrocortisone that can help temporarily improve itching. In severe case, the use of diphenhydramine may help.
  3. Cope with stress! The urge of scratching and the embarrassing affected skin on the face (visible spot) can lead to a stressful period. But if you do want to improve the problem quickly, it’s important to control your stress as well. In many cases, stress can worsen the symptoms of dermatitis.
  4. Wash your face properly! Choose to use lukewarm water when you need to wash your face since too hot or too cold water can be bad for the problem. If necessary, take a comfortably bath with baking soda of colloidal oatmeal /uncooked oatmeal.
  5. Use also appropriate soap to wash your face! In general, harsh soap is not recommended because it can cause the skin dry even more. Prioritize using mild soaps without perfumes /dyes such as emulsifying ointment! And make sure to rinse the soap entirely after washing your face.
  6. Be wise in choosing laundry detergents! Your towels can touch your face directly. Therefore, it’s better to also use mild laundry products – particularly those that are unscented. And to keep safe, avoid using fabric softeners!
  7. Since the problem can get worse due to too hot /too cold temperature, the use of humidifier may also help to improve the problem quickly. Many sufferers find that dry, hot indoor air can parch the affected skin and make itching & flaking get worse.

What else?

The following are some other helpful checklists you need to know!

  1. Using and applying emollients (a kind of moisturizers without cosmetic ingredients). There are some kinds of emollients such as creams (for less greasy condition) and greasy ointments (this is usually used for very dry skin). Some sufferers are more likely to use ointments on face at night and creams during the day.
  2. Sometime the use of emollient doesn’t help enough to improve the problem. For this case, additional topical treatment such as mildest topical steroid ointment may be needed. However, this option should only be used under medical supervision, particularly if you need to use it on face.
  3. There are also available medium strength topical steroids to help heal the problem quickly. But the use of this option should only be used with prescription.
  4. If the affected-skin gets infected either by bacteria or fungus, doctor usually also prescribe antibiotic or anti-yeast topical ointments /creams. The use of this medication must be taken entirely in order to prevent the infection from recurring.
  5. In severe case, the use of ointments or creams containing more active ingredients (such as topical agent tacrolimus) can be prescribed.

Fortunately, severe cases of facial dermatitis are rare. Most cases of the problem can respond with mild treatment options.

Since face is the most visible site of the body, people with dermatitis on face are more likely to find any help immediately once they know that there is something wrong on their face. This may be one of reasons for why severe cases of facial dermatitis are relatively less common, as noted before.

Are there any alternative treatments?

Other natural options that may help in some cases include:

  1. Topically applying rice bran on the affected skin may help improve atopic dermatitis – unfortunately, there is still no any scientific evidence to confirm this option.
  2. A cream containing bovine cartilage can help in some cases of dermatitis, particularly for contact dermatitis triggered by poison ivy.
  3. Probiotics may also help. Some studies found that some strains of lactobacillus may have positive effect in helping to improve atopic dermatitis in younger kids (13 years-old or younger). However, this finding is also unclear yet – more research is needed!

There is a chance for dermatitis to recur because it is a chronic condition. However with a combination self-care steps and avoiding the trigger factors, it is a controllable condition and the flare-up can be prevented!

Citations /references:

  2. ‘Facial Eczema’ published by the National Eczema Society, this file can be downloaded on

These references accessed on April 2014


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