Pros and Cons of Electrolysis Hair Removal

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As science and technology continue their amazing journey, there are now available several options to remove unwanted hair and get a smoother body. There are some methods for hair removal. One of them is with the use of electrolysis. The good news, this method is approved by the FDA. However, there are some pros and cons you need to know before taking it!

What actually is electrolysis hair removal (EHR) and how does it work?

This kind of hair removal method uses an appropriate electrical current to destroy the follicle of hair. Typically, the electrical current is set at low level so thus it will be safe enough.

To flow the electrical current into the hair follicle, a small /thin needle is directly inserted into the hair follicle (the small sac beneath the skin where the hair grows). Then the electrical current flows and passes through the needle and eventually can destroy the unwanted hair follicle.

Typically, the needle to pass the electrical current can be metal probe or needle-shaped electrode.

Why hair grows on the unwanted areas of your skin?

Actually, most sites of your skin have hair but with invisible hair. But some noticeable hairs can be very bothersome, particularly for women. These include hairs on bikini line, woman’s chin, or woman’s upper lip.

The grade of hair growth on the unexpected areas varies from woman to woman. Experts say that the hormone levels and heredity can play a key role. However, other factors such as illness, the use of improperly hair removal methods, or the use of certain medicines may also have an effect.

Does EHR provide a permanent result and eventually stop hair from growing back?

The skill of a person that performs EHR can play a key role in the result. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right electrologist (a person who has been professionally trained to perform electrolysis).

The wrong decision doesn’t only mean that the prognosis of unwanted hair follicles to grow back is greater, but also can direct you to take more extra sessions and spend more money. In general, EHR can permanently remove the hair – but only if it is done correctly.

How many needles does EHR require for each session?

Typically, an electrologist uses one needle for each session of EHR. But depending on the large area for hair removal, more than one needle may be required.

Does it mean that one needle is used to only remove one hair follicle?

No – each session of EHR uses conductor so thus a needle with a low-level electrical current that is inserted into an opening of the skin where unwanted hair grows can affect and destroy other unwanted hair follicles. The conductor is topically applied on the site of skin where hair removal is expected.

When you see an electrologist, you will be offered by some kinds of EHR which typically based on the kind of conductor used in the treatment [1]. In general, there are 2 major types of conductors, they are:

This procedure uses water as a conductor. With water for conductor, the electrical current that passes the needle will vibrate the molecules of water and heat it. Eventually, the heated molecules of water surrounding the hair follicles can destroy the unwanted follicles.

In this procedure, the chemicals are used for conductor. The reaction from these chemicals can create sodium hydroxide. And it can destroy the hair follicles when it is heated up by electrical current.

In addition, electrologists also can offer the combination of galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis procedures. Which one that works best can vary! But again, the skill of an electrologist can play a key role.

How many times you have to do it?

This can vary from person to person because there are many factors that can influence the prognosis of hair to grow back or not after the treatment. Even in one individual, the number of sessions EHR for different areas may also vary.

In fact, each hair follicle can be at different stage of life cycle (resting, shedding, and growing).

In other words, all of your hairs are not at the same stage which means multiple sessions are usually needed to eventually get a permanent result [2]!

image_illustration104Generally, many people who take EHR will be scheduled to return once a week. Some may return every other week as required.

And as noted before, EHR can permanently remove hair if it is performed properly. Once the series of treatments of EHR are complete, you can get the permanent hair loss – ask your electrologist for in-depth information!

Pros and cons

The following is the summary for pros and cons of electrolysis hair removal:


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