Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Hives?

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  1. Lupus, an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks joints and skin. People with lupus often feel tired all the time.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA and lupus can share the same symptoms, but there are some differences – learn more in here!

It’s not fully known whether RA can have a significant effect to increase your risk of developing chronic hives. But in fact, both conditions can be found together.

Other common culprits associated with chronic hives are as follows:

  1. Intestinal parasites. Sometimes parasites living in the intestines may cause skin rash, including hives.
  2. Infection or inflammation of liver (such as viral hepatitis).
  3. Thyroid disorders. Either overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause skin problems. The abnormal level of thyroid hormone may also result in alterations in the nails or hairs.

As mentioned before, chronic hives can come and go. And there are some factors /things that make the symptoms worse or make the problem reappear. Those triggers can vary from person to person, the main ones include:

  1. A stressful event. Many skin problems, including hives, can get worse with stress.
  2. Caffeine and alcohol may also have an effect to make the symptoms worse.
  3. Physical factors such as prolonged extra-pressure on the skin (when you wear tight clothing, for example) and exposure to heat /warm /cold temperatures.
  4. Insect stings and bites.
  5. Certain medications such as some painkillers (like codeine) and NSAIDs.
  6. Salicylates or other certain food additives. Salicylates can be found in tea, orange juice, and tomatoes.
  7. Traveling factors. For example, your skin may not be used to water of your new location.
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