Risk Behaviors Associated With Stroke

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… Continued …

For more information about the link between stress and the risk of stroke, read this previous post!

If you are a smoker

We know very well that cigarette smoking can be very bad for your overall health. It is loaded with lots of harmful substances that have been linked with many health problems such as lung cancer, heart attack, and stroke.

CO (carbon monoxide) from cigarette smoking can interfere with oxygen in the blood. Then its nicotine can hurt the blood vessels and raise blood pressure.

So, if you are a smoker, quitting can be very significant to reduce your risk of stroke.

Women who take birth control pills but they are also a smoker

In general, most birth control pills are safe for most women – particularly for some that are prescribed by doctors.

But studies found that if the use of birth control pills combined with cigarette smoking, both may significantly raise the risk of stroke.

Together, they can increase the risk of developing blood clots that can be potential to block the blood flow to certain parts of the brain. Therefore, if you are taking birth control pills, smoking is the top list of bad habit you have to avoid!


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