Types of Acne and How to Treat Them!

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Acne is a common skin problem, affecting anyone though it’s usually more common in young people. Treatments can vary, depending on many factors. The most important thing is probably the type of your acne. Here are some types of acne and how to effectively treat them!

To put this simple, acne can be divided into 3 types of acne regarding the severity.

Mild acne

This type is likely you may deal with, because it is very common — also called as comedo (singularity) or comedones (collectively).

What makes this acne less serious (often considered ‘mild’), because it causes no redness or inflammation. Also, it usually is painless to touch.

Two types of comedones:

  1. Blackheads or open comedones, which usually occur when there is cellular debris got exposed to oxygen. It causes oxidation, making the material to turn black and easy to spot.
  2. Whiteheads or closed comedones. The hair follicle is completely covered by oil and cellular debris which prevent the material to turn black. That’s why it is usually white or transparent, less noticeable than blackheads .

The first treatment is practicing good hygiene. Use scrub or mild cleanser 1 or 2 times a day. Also, avoid oil-based makeup — instead, choose water based makeup!.

Moderate Acne

This inflamed acne is red and sometimes quite itchy and a bit painful to touch. But it is usually not serious enough to cause scarring or cysts.

Some types of acne that can be classified into this category include:

  1. Papules – lump of acne which are red, but doesn’t contain fluid or pus.
  2. Pustules –infected papules which contain pus (white fluid-like substance).

The types of acne treatments for both papules and pustule are pretty much the same. Just like when dealing with comedones, good hygiene practice is a must.

Using the right cleanser, avoiding oil-based makeup, and removing makeup before going to bed are what you can do here.

Don’t ever try picking the acne! This may worsen the inflammation and cause scarring, inhibiting the recovery.

Since lifestyle measures are probably not enough, consider using OTC acne treatments.

Severe Acne

In severe cases, there would be large amount of papules and painful to touch. Also, the risk of scarring is high!

Some types of acne that may turn into serious and severe are as follows:


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