What Does It Mean When You Have A Heavy Period?

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The side effects of certain medicines

If you are taking medicines and you in-doubt whether they have an effect in causing heavy menstrual period or menorrhagia, consult more with your doctor!

The medicines that can be associated with menorrhagia include anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory medications. The use of hormonal medications may also have an effect, particularly if they are used improperly [9].

Other less common causes associated with heavy menstrual flow

These include:

  1. Bleeding disorders due to genetic trait. For instance, if you have a condition in which a crucial blood-clotting factor is impaired /deficient (such as in von Willebrand’s disease), it will probably have an effect in causing excessive menstrual bleeding.
  2. The side effect of using IUD or Intrauterine device (a kind of birth control).
  3. Cancerous tumor that affect some parts of female reproductive system (particularly such as cervical cancer, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer). Fortunately, this is rarely associated with menorrhagia.
  4. A condition called adenomyosis. Many times, it affects middle-aged women who have had children. It is uterine thickening that forms when endometrial tissue, which typically lines your uterus, gets moving into the outer uterus’s wall.

Other possible causes

Sometime pregnancy complications, particularly such as early miscarriage can be a reason behind heavy menstrual bleeding.

Did you know that many cases of miscarriage occur very early in pregnancy – even it often occurs when women still don’t know that they are being pregnant?! For this reason, a single of late menstrual period with heavy bleeding may be a sign of a miscarriage.

Other underlying conditions that may be a reason behind heavy menstrual flow are thyroid problems, kidney problem, liver disease, endometriosis, and PID (pelvic inflammatory disease).

Does heavy period always need treatment?

Fortunately, some cases of this problem don’t require medical intervention – particularly if the problem is only associated with a natural variation and doesn’t significant affect your daily activities.

However, if the cause of the problem is certain health condition, medical intervention is required to cure the disease behind the problem.

The treatment can involve a wide range of options (from the use of medicine therapy to some procedures of surgery). It may take a while to find and get one that works best.

In general, the decision of the treatment can be based on the following factors:

  1. The cause of the problem – whether the problem is only caused by a natural variation or certain medical health problem.
  2. The medical history and overall health of patient.
  3. The severity of the problem, whether it significantly disrupt the lifestyle of patient.
  4. The ability of patient’s body to tolerate or respond the medications.
  5. The chance of the problem will improve on its own. If doctors believe that it will become less heavy soon, you may be recommended to choose ‘watchful and waiting’ option.
  6. The personal preference of patient.
  7. And the future childbearing plan of patient also has an effect in determining the treatment plan.

  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menorrhagia/basics/risk-factors/con-20021959
  2. http://www.med.nyu.edu/content?ChunkIID=22631
  3. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/blooddisorders/women/menorrhagia.html
  4. http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/heavy-bleeding-during-period
  5. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Periods-heavy/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  6. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Fibroids/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  7. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polycystic-ovarian-syndrome/Pages/Introduction.aspx
  8. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pcos/basics/symptoms/con-20028841
  9. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menorrhagia/basics/causes/con-20021959

All of these citations accessed on Jan 2014


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