What Is Considered Low Blood Sugar during Pregnancy?

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  1. It should be around 105 mg /dL before breakfast or after fasting for about 12 hours.
  2. It should be around 130 mg /dL for about 2 hours after your meal.

In general, blood sugar is considered too low if it is less than 60 mg /dL. If you think you have a blood glucose reaction and you also have 60 mg /dL or lower, see your doctor promptly.

If you have hypoglycemia, in general here are some tips to do to increase your blood glucose safely:

  1. Consume sugar-containing foods. For instances, you can try brown sugar, a half cup of apple /orange juice, a cup of skim milk, and a tablespoon of honey. But do this step carefully! Just make sure you not over do it!
  2. Take your prescribed glucose tablets if necessary!
  3. Then check again your blood sugar about 15 minutes afterward!
  4. If the result of the test is still around 60 mg /dL – eat more sugar-containing foods! But again make sure you don’t over treat your low blood sugar, particularly if you have diabetes or gestational diabetes! Over treating the problem can be counterproductive, because you may have hyperglycemia which is also dangerous for your pregnancy!
  5. For more advice – talk with your doctor!
Hypoglycemia and its effects on baby

According to a study in 2009, having uncontrolled hypoglycemia during pregnancy may put you at greater chance of developing preeclampsia (a serious condition that typically followed with abnormal high blood pressure).

Preeclampsia can lead to early birth or even fetal death if left untreated. Furthermore, uncontrolled low blood glucose also can increase the risk of delivering a baby that needs admission to intensive-neonatal care unit, according to Journal of Perinatology published on 2005.

Low blood sugar symptoms during pregnancy

The symptoms vary from pregnant woman to pregnant woman. But in general, the main ones include sweating, dizziness (headache), sudden /increased hunger, shakiness (being at hypoglycemia can make you shake), confusion, weakness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and poor coordination!

If you notice these symptoms after taking your insulin replacement, check your blood glucose level immediately! Again, hypoglycemia can pose the risk of serious pregnancy complications. It can be very harmful both for you and your pregnancy if left untreated!

  1. Marie Alice
    June 13, 2013 | Reply
    • doctorone
      June 16, 2013 | Reply
  2. Sally
    May 2, 2018 | Reply

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