What Does A Stomach Ulcer Feel Like?

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  1. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing.
  2. Vomiting that may contain blood. This usually appears black or red.
  3. Tarry or black stools containing blood.
  4. Changes of appetite which may cause unintentional weight loss.
  5. Feeling faint.

Although you may be able to catch it through its tale-tale signs and symptoms mentioned earlier, again several tests are usually necessary for accurate diagnosis. So see a doctor if you think your stomach pain might have to do with stomach ulcer, particularly true if it doesn’t relieve with lifestyle modifications.

You may start it by seeing your primary care doctor, and then (if necessary) you’re probably referred to gastroenterologist to get more specialized care and treatment.

Also, it’s much better to ask your doctor first before trying any remedies or OTC medications. Some people may use antacids to relieve the pain, but it’s not a healing solution. Antacids can provide a quick pain relief, but it doesn’t treat the open sore. So, conventional treatments with prescription (antibiotics or acid-reducing drugs) are usually necessary to provide a cure more likely.

The same goes for changes in diet. What you eat can help support your recovery. Even certain foods (probiotics for example) may help boost your healing more quickly. But this should be considered as adjuncts to treatment, not for replacements.

Also, your treatment plan depends on the root cause of the problem. If NSAIDs are the main culprit, your doctor usually asks you to stop taking them or consider alternative pain relievers.

A word for this topic, stomach ulcer causes a range of uncomfortable signs and symptoms. But there are plenty of ways to relieve the symptoms and heal the open sore. With appropriate treatment plan and a few lifestyle measures, you should be on.


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