Why Does Hair Get Greasy Overnight

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Having greasy hair can be troublesome at times. The endless itching and seems to have constant sweat are nothing but trouble. It may get worse when the temperature is high, during summertime for example.

Shampooing and washing may help get rid of the oil, but this could be counterproductive if you do it excessively. This may counterproductively eliminate the natural oil, encouraging the scalp to produce more oil in the long run. So, how to tackle this overnight grease problem? First, let’s find out what caused it.

What causes greasy hair?

A healthy scalp ensures your hair to have the healthy glow you’ve been dreaming of.

When the scalp has overproduced the sebum, that’s when you have greasy hair. Sebum is natural oil that the scalp produces to maintain moisture.

Overnight grease has to do with several issues, some of them could be:

Your stress is out of control

Just like how stress could manifest itself on your face (acne flare-ups), sometimes would also show on your head’s scalp too. Stress affects your hormonal balance, leading to raised level of oil production on your scalp.

Poor & wrong hair care

A few things on how your treat your hair may have an effect to cause the problem. These include:

  1. Wrong shampoo! This is particularly true when your hair get greasy soon after washing. The common culprit to avoid, rich formulations and heavily hydrating shampoos. Instead, prioritize choosing gentler shampoos.
  2. The same goes while you’re over washing your hair. While it’s important to wash and clean your hair, doing so will be counterproductive over the long run since this will get rid of natural moisturizing elements in your scalp.
  3. The same applies for too much conditioner and serum, particularly true if you’re greasiness-prone.
  4. There is probably a build-up of product, let’s say a build-up of pomade for example will lead to more debris in the scalp, making your greasy hair get worse.
  5. Even sometimes dirty hairbrush may also factor into the problem.

More hormonal things

Menstrual periods causes an array of signs and symptoms, the common ones are probably cramps and abdominal bloating. But sometimes the fluctuation of hormones in your periods would also provoke greasy hair.

A spike of progesterone, several days before your menstrual bleeding, can boost the production of sebum (including in your scalp). But this is temporary and will normally settle down a few days afterwards.

How to tackle greasy hair?

Worry not! There are ways you can work into your routine to help you ensure a healthy and glossy mane with no more scalp issue.

Choose the right hair products!

It is imperative that the products you use work for you. Do not choose any product because it’s hype or on sale, or being promoted by your idol. The most recommended products are those that are formulated specifically for oily roots or greasy hair.

Among the seemingly endless options of hair products to tackle greasy hair, there are at least two that have to be a staple in your cabinet.  Keep in mind that each person’s hair is different, so do not expect to get the same result even when using the same product combinations.

Some people are lucky enough and can use various hair products, and there are some of the less fortunate ones that have to be ultra-picky about their hair products. But when you have found your holy grails, it’s best not to stray from them.

Another thing to remember is to wear the products the right way. Do not use them excessively, expecting a quicker result. That will only backfire. Like many other body care products, it takes time before you could see the result.

Do not brush too often

Whether it’s a habit instilled from childhood or a way to cope with nervousness. Brushing hair is part of the daily routine before starting the day. But did you know that it’s could be a bad habit in the long run?

Whether using your fingers or an actual hairbrush, you are transferring the oil all over the scalp and hair. But it’s a good thing because the oil is needed for hydration and moisture lock, right? It could be when you do it only a couple of times a day. But when you brush your hair too much, you are distributing both oil and dirt all over your scalp.

The old myth, brushing your hair at least 100 times before sleep to make it shine has been debunked a long time ago. Instead, brush your hair only when necessary. It could be before a meeting, a date, or every day before you leave home.

It’s also bad for playing with your hair or constantly touching it. It’s inevitable at times, but how much dirt transferred from whatever you have touched to your scalp!

Find the balanced wash

You may think that having greasy hair means that you have to wash your hair on daily basis. That’s the wrong move in the long run.

Using shampoo every day will send the wrong signal to the scalp that it lacks of sebum, thus overproducing it. However, not washing enough will cause the build-up that can lead to dandruff.

Give your hair some time to relax and be free from any products. And that is why there are products like dry shampoos and oil control hair powder that you can use when you are on a hair washing break.

Another thing you need to pay attention to, the water temperature when washing your hair. It feels great to have a hot shower, but having it too hot could hurt the sebaceous gland. The same goes with massaging your scalp for too long.

Healthy lifestyles matter too

People may find hormones as part of the reasons for having greasy hair. But other things may also play a part.

Do you change your pillowcase every two weeks? Have you been having enough water daily? Have you been having enough sleep? Sometimes the solution is as simple as having an ample amount of water and sleep well at night!

When you have adjusted your lifestyle to be healthier and even changed the pillowcase to a silk one (it doesn’t hold on to grimes and dirt’s the way cotton does), but still have the overnight grease. Then it is time to talk to a dermatologist and scheduled a thorough examination (if necessary).

Before you get too frustrated with your hair and start taking the wrong steps, do understand the causes of your overnight grease. Remember that each person has it differently, and the same goes for the solution. Using dry shampoo might work for you, but not for others.

Keep in mind that tackling the greasy hair takes several steps and still needs some time before your hair and scalp can adjust to the changes. Do not look for an instant result. Take the process as a marathon for healthier hair, rather than a sprint with many quick fixes.

One Comment
  1. Hope
    August 6, 2021 | Reply

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