Why Does Psoriasis Occur on Knees and Elbows?

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In addition, there is also a kind of psoriasis called inverse psoriasis. Typically it affects skin folds and creases such as armpits and groin. The skin folds are vulnerable of getting excessive sweat and friction, and this can worsen the problem.

What are the treatment options for psoriasis on knees and elbows?

Depending on the severity of the problem and other factors, the following treatments can be used /prescribed alone or with other treatments:

  1. Topically treatment options. These can be with /without steroids. Topical option is usually the first choice of the treatment. It is intended to help reduce inflammation and restore the normal cycle of new skin cells production.
  2. Phototherapy – getting a controlled exposure to ultraviolet light under medical supervision. The use of topical treatment usually can go together with phototherapy.
  3. Systemic treatment! It is usually used for severe case of psoriasis when the disease doesn’t respond to topical treatment. With systemic treatment, the prescription medicine is intended to spread and work throughout the body.

There is no single formula of treatment that can work for everyone. Work with your doctor to find the most effective treatment!

Along with the prescription treatment plan, some home remedies and lifestyle approaches may help. These include:

  1. The lesions can be so itchy, and dealing with this discomfort sensation is not always easy. However, never scratch the affected area! Scratching can make the problem get worse.
  2. Control you stress as well!
  3. Moisture your skin regularly to prevent it from drying even more!
  4. Avoid getting injury on your knees or elbows. Skin injury may trigger the flare-up.
  5. See other natural remedies on this section!

This skin problem is a lifelong disease. You may not be able to change having psoriasis, but there are some steps you can do to change things that can trigger the flare-up or worsen the problem.

Citations /references:

  1. https://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis/types/plaque
  2. http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/psoriasis/understanding-psoriasis-basics
  3. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/psoriasis/basics/risk-factors/con-20030838

All of these references accessed on July 2014


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