Can Young People Get Colon Cancer?

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Young people can get colon cancer – what warning symptoms you need to know?

Again there are usually no any obvious symptoms of colon cancer in its early stages. However some symptoms may occur, these may include:

  1. Persistent change in bowel movements.
  2. Change in the stools, including blood that may be found in /on the stool.
  3. Frequent discomforts associated with the function of your bowel such as abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, easier for fullness, feeling of not completely emptying after a bowel movement, gas pains, or bloating.
  4. Change in appetite.
  5. Anemia without known reason!
  6. See more in-depth information about these symptoms in this post!

These symptoms can be attributed by numerous different causes. Having some of these, this doesn’t mean you definitely have colon cancer, but it’s better to talk to your doctor to keep safe (especially true if the symptom persists or gets worse).

Lifestyle measures

Fortunately, there are plenty of options to prevent colon cancer. Even lifestyle measures such as changes in diet and physical activity may reduce the risk by up to 75 % in long term.

In other words, the disease is preventable. So it’s important for anyone (including young people) to be aware of what they should do to reduce the risk. You might also like to read about natural ways to prevent colon cancer in here!

Family history of colon cancer

The good news, most patients don’t have a family history of the disease. The bad news, however it is a hereditary condition. Having relatives (especially first degree relatives such as parent, brother, and sister) with the disease will significantly raise the risk of having the same condition!

Even in young patients, the disease is more likely to be caused by inherited genetic, as noted before!


Since the risk can increase significantly after 50, many times the screening test is commonly suggested for those aged 50 or older. The test is usually recommended to be taken every 1-2 years.

But if you are a younger person and have a family member with the disease, talk to your doctor about specific advice you need to follow. Your doctor may ask you to take the screening earlier.

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