Frozen Shoulder Natural Remedies for Inflammation

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You may need to take a little ‘trial & error’ to find which therapy that works best to ease inflammation of your frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis).

How does heat therapy help?

Heat can help dilate the blood vessels, making the blood flow runs easier (improving the blood circulation). Heat can help alter the sensation of the pain, too. Therefore, heat therapy is also a common natural and home remedy to help ease pain.

There are some options to use heat therapy. And the good news, mostly you can do it on your own at home. You can try with moist heat (such as taking warm baths) or dry heat (such as using heat lamps /heating pads).

And make sure that you use this therapy safely! Set the temperature ‘not too hot’! Just ensure to find the temperature that can safely tolerate, whether using bottle containing hot water, spa therapy, or with a hot bath.

How does cold therapy help?

Cold therapy can help soothe the inflamed area, numbing the sore area. It is also a helpful natural remedy to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Unlike heat therapy, cold therapy works in the opposite way by constricting the blood vessels. At first, it may be uncomfortable, but it usually works effectively to numb deep pain.

It seems that either heat or cold therapy can help ease the inflammation by stimulating the body’s own healing force.

Boost the natural anti-inflammatories of your body!

It’s essential to adopt healthy habits every day to evoke your natural anti-inflammatories. This idea is great for your overall health, too.

The affected shoulder can be painful when you move it. But this doesn’t mean you can rest it all the time.

Letting the affected shoulder off in long period of time can make the problem get worse. Instead, continue to use it and remain active as much as you could!

In fact, many times frozen shoulder is caused by the long period of immobility. This immobility is usually associated with the recovery from a stroke, shoulder injury, or broken arm.

If you have experienced stroke or shoulder injury that make you difficult to move the shoulder, discuss to your doctor about appropriate exercises or physical therapy you need to follow in order to maintain the range of motion in your affected shoulder joint!

Citations /references:



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