Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Bursitis?

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  1. Bursitis can affect anyone. But in general, it’s more likely to occur as you age.
  2. Certain hobbies /occupations that require repetitive movements on particular bursas. Also, being overweight may contribute to hurt a bursa. More pounds of weight you gain mean the higher the pressure that heats your joint structures.
  3. Less commonly, bursitis is a consequence of chronic high blood sugar levels (diabetes) or other metabolic conditions.
  4. Excessive pressure on soft tissues caused by abnormal structures in the joint. For examples, joint deformities and leg length differences.
  5. Gout, another type of arthritis.
  6. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, can also sometimes cause bursitis.
  7. Side effects /reactions from taking certain medications.

While some types of arthritis can cause increased risk of bursitis, inflammation of a bursa doesn’t lead to any arthritis. Bursitis is usually mild and will not pose to any health risk.

There are plenty of options to prevent bursitis, for examples:

  1. If you have a task that requires extensive kneeling, it’s much better to use kneeling pads.
  2. Your muscles play a key role to help protect your joint structures (including bursas) from injury. Exercise can help strengthen your muscles, reducing your risk of bursitis. Just make sure to not skip warming up and stretching, especially before vigorous exercise!
  3. Control your weight! Healthy weight is not only important to keep your joint structures healthy, but also for your overall health.
  4. Lift heavy object properly! Improper lifting may also lead to back pain (see more in here).
  5. If you have any repetitive tasks, take frequent breaks with rest or another activity!
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