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Acute Gout and Fever!

Joint pain and signs of inflammation are typically the common symptoms of a gout attack. Sometime, the attack can be severe enough to affect your daily routines, too. Many sufferers say that it can be more painful than other forms of arthritis. The good news it is relatively easier to treat! But can it cause fever or even chills?

Fever can be a vague symptom of numerous different health conditions

In general, the term ‘fever’ is used to describe a temporary increase in the body temperature. It can be a sign that something goes awry in the body. Mostly, it occurs because of an illness

But in adults, it is usually harmless and isn’t a sign for concern, particularly true if it comes with low-to-middle high temperature (such as lower than 37-38 degrees of Celsius). And in most cases, it improves within a few days.

But if it rises too high, such as higher than 39.4 degrees of Celsius (about 103 degrees of Fahrenheit), it may signal certain health condition! If you have high fever and lasts longer than you think, see your doctor /physician promptly!

The increased temperature of the body occurs when the thermostat of the body in the brain called hypothalamus changes the normal body temperature to respond certain situation (such as during exercise) or specific health condition.

image_illustration255There are numerous causes of abnormal fever. Some of these causes include:

  1. Viral or bacterial infection.
  2. Inflammatory diseases or other health conditions such as malignant tumor.
  3. The impact of heat exhaustion.
  4. Sunburn could cause fever, too.
  5. Even the use of certain medications.

While the elevated of body temperature can be caused by certain health condition, the normal body temperature can vary throughout the day, too. For instance, your body temperature is relatively lower in the morning, and then it tends to increase in the afternoon and evening.

Fever can be a symptom of acute gout attack, too!

Severe pain in the joint (acute arthritis) is the most common manifestation of gout. Mostly, it attacks one joint (particularly like the large joint of big toe, the most common site where gouty arthritis occurs).

Ankle, knee, heel, and middle foot are other frequent sites. In other words, sometime gout can strike more than one joint at a time.

Typically, a gout attack comes abruptly. And with unknown clearly reason, many times it strikes at night! It can go in rapid progression. Within a few hours, the signs of inflamed joint (such as heat, swelling, and redness) along with joint pain can be felt by sufferer.

Again, the attack of gout can be so painful. Even it may become intense enough to lead to fever as high as 100.2 F or 39 C. This fever could come with /without chills.

*For in-depth information about the symptoms and how gout attack progresses, see this post!

Home remedies to cope with gout and fever

Some medicines are available to help cope with fever due to gout. Along with this option, the following remedies can help:

  1. Keep the ambient temperature of your room comfortable, but don’t go too low!
  2. Take plenty of rest to help your body temperature back to normal more quickly. In other words, it is essential to get optimal recovery. On the other hand, activity should be avoided until your body is ready!
  3. Use light clothing and light blanket for sleeping.
  4. To avoid any bacterial /viral infection that can make your fever worse, keep both of your hands clean. Furthermore, reduce direct contact between your hands and your mouth, nose, or eyes!
  5. And drink adequate water to keep hydrated since fever can put you at greater chance of losing more fluid.

Since gout is the major cause of your fever, your gout should be treated as well, too! Some medicines and lifestyle approaches can help cope with this arthritis – see more in here!

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