Does Aging Skin Cause Itching

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Take care of your sensitive skin!

As you age (especially after 50), your aging skin is likely to become thinner, dry (less moisture), and more sensitive. All these things can provoke itchiness.

To deal with these things, avoid such things as:

  1. Hot baths or shower. Or take it as short as possible if you have to!
  2. Perfumed products containing harsh chemicals and ‘too strong’ fragrance.
  3. Other products with a scent such as lotions, fabric softeners, laundry detergents, soaps, and skin care products. Always try finding and using scent-free products!
  4. Itch triggers, such as; hot room, wool sweater, or irritating chemicals.

Since dry skin is common in elderly people, always apply moisturizer (at least once a day, apply it immediately after shower when your skin is still a bit damp).

If necessary, consider asking moisturizing cream or lotion with prescription. There are some with calamine, menthol, or other goodies to help cool the skin and kick off your itchiness more effectively!

What if you can’t take it?

In such case, you may simply scratch the itchy area. Again, scratching is a bad thing for the prognosis of the problem.

But if you have to, never ever use your fingernails to scratch your skin! Instead try just tapping, patting, pinching your skin or use a wet compress to relieve itching without causing red or bumpy skin with inflammation.

Keeping your fingernails short is also recommended. Longer fingernails are not only bad for your skin health — they can hurt the skin and provoke inflammation, but also can harbor bacteria and dirt (this increases the risk of infection)!

Dealing with your psychiatric problems

Study suggests several psychiatric problems could be a trigger for skin itchiness [8]. Many people find that their itchy skin flares up when they feel depressed, anxious, or stress.

So it’s important to deal with your psychiatric problems. Stress, for example, is often an inevitable thing – but it’s manageable.

Also, make sure to always maintain your sleep as well. Getting enough sleep every day is one of important pillars to soothe psychiatric problems.

If your itchiness doesn’t improve with lifestyle measures mentioned above, see a doctor right away! This article is not aimed to replace a face-to-face meeting with your dermatologist, because sometimes the problem requires an in-person testing and examination!


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