Do Eggs and Monounsaturated Fats Affect Cholesterol Levels?

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Remember, even healthy foods also contain calories. Therefore make sure you eat anything in appropriate portion.

If your calories intake is higher than you burn (you burn calories through physical activity), you can experience weight gain. If you are overweight, your LDL is relatively easier to rise than when you are being at your healthy weight’s scale.

Ensure your total fat intake per day (the amounts of saturated fats and unsaturated fats in your daily diet) is not higher than 20-35 percent of your daily total calories requirement, according to a recommendation by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Monounsaturated fats are not only associated with lower risk of heart disease since they can help improving the risk factors of heart disease, but some studies found that they may also help improve the insulin sensitivity.

This suggests that getting plenty of monounsaturated fats in the diet may help reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. They may also work effectively to help people with type-2 in controlling their blood sugar levels.

In addition, don’t forget to prioritize eating whole foods rather than processed foods. Whole foods are typically high in fiber (fiber, especially soluble fiber can help decrease LDL) and rich in more essential nutrients.

On the other hand, processed foods are typically high in trans-fat (another bad fat that can harm your cardiovascular system because they can have contribution to raise your LDL). Cookies, crackers /chips or other unhealthy snacks, and foods made with partially hydrogenated oils or margarine are also high in trans-fat.


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