Blood Pressure Lowering Device Review

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If we have high blood pressure (hypertension), controlling the level is the key to preserve the better quality of our life. We’re likely to make meaningful changes in diet or consider a number of approaches to help deal with. How about blood pressure lowering device?

Keys to treat high blood pressure

For most men and women with hypertension, the condition is chronic. Even if we manage to get the level under control, we still have constant struggle to keep blood pressure readings to normal. So many times there is no ‘set and forget’ formula. That’s why, lifestyle changes are important.

The good news, the condition is often manageable with lifestyle measures. It doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of your aging.

The following are some of the most important steps to bring it down and keep if off in long term.

Be consistent with a healthy diet!

Bad diet will take a serious toll on your overall health, including the health of your cardiovascular system. DASH diet, an acronym for the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, is recommended by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help keep the level readings normal.

This eating plan is effective to reduce the level by up to 11 mmHg both in hypertensive and normotensive people [1]. It may also help improve your body response to medication, making the medication work more effectively.

In general, DASH diet suggests eating plan high in fiber (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for examples) and low in saturated fats & cholesterol.

Here are a few things to remember:

  1. If possible, write down how much and what you eat with a food diary (even for just several days) to see and analyze your true eating habits. Just make sure you follow the golden rule of DASH diet – high in fiber and healthy foods, and low in saturated fats! Also, control your dietary sodium (salt); read food labels!
  2. Get enough potassium through your diet! Fresh foods high in potassium include sweet potatoes, mushrooms, fruits (such as bananas, honeydew, and oranges) and vegetables (e.g. cooked broccoli and spinach).
  3. Cut back on caffeinated beverages. The role of caffeine on affecting blood pressure in long term is not fully understood yet. But sometimes caffeine could be counterproductive in hypertensive people, especially for those who rarely drink it. To keep safe, ask your doctor first since caffeine affects the body differently between individuals.
  4. Avoid alcohol (if possible), or cut down on it. Alcohol may factor into an increased blood pressure level and make your medicine less effective
  5. And it bears repeating that you need to be consistent. Stay with your healthy-balanced diet on a day-in, day-out basis!
Keep active, exercise regularly

Regular exercise is one of the most important pillars for healthy living. With adequate physical activity, you’re likely to have better vascular health in long term.

Exercise can help control blood pressure as normal as possible. When the level begins to elevate, exercise is an effective way to prevent hypertension. And when you already have hypertension, it can help restore the blood pressure down to normal or safer levels. And to get these benefits most, consistency is the key, do your exercise regularly.

Maintain your healthy weight!

Weight does have an effect on your blood pressure. More pounds of excess weight you gain, more likely you have hypertension. Being overweight may also factor into sleep apnea, which is bad for people with hypertension.

Some experts say that losing weight (if you’re overweight /obese) is probably the most effective way to deal with high blood pressure. Even shedding off a small number of your excess weight would help a lot. For instance, each 2.2 pounds (1kg) of weight you lose may bring blood pressure down by about 1 mm Hg [2]. So maintaining a healthy weight is crucial.

What else?
  1. Quite smoking! In general, smokers are likely to have high blood pressure than non-smokers.
  2. Manage your stress. Uncontrolled stress will take a serious toll on your vascular health.
  3. If you have sleep apnea, treat it!
  4. Have positive relationships to get support from your family and friends! This is important to avoid social isolation and psychological problems.
Medications (if necessary)

Sometimes medications are required, even though after making necessary lifestyle changes. Medications for blood pressure vary. But mostly they include; diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and calcium channel blocker. Your doctor may suggest switching from one to another to find the best results.

Also, keep monitoring the level. Check it for several times a day when your level is high (early in the morning before taking your medications, and in the evening before going to bed) or as your doctor suggests. If your level is normal or borderline high, you may only need to check it once a year or ask your doctor.

Blood pressure lowering device may help

Although high blood pressure medications are available, sometimes we’re likely to look pill-free ways to help deal with high blood pressure. Along with a host of other lifestyle changes as your doctor suggests, blood pressure lowering device could be a breakthrough you have been waiting for.

Yes, lifestyle measures (healthy diet, regular exercise, good stress management, and medications (if necessary)) are keys to control hypertension. But you probably are also tremendously excited about innovative, natural approaches. The following easy-to-use blood pressure lowering devices may help.


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