Does Breastfeeding Prevent Eczema?

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However, regardless the issue of whether or not breastfeeding can help prevent eczema in high-risk baby, breastfeeding is breastfeeding and it is so important for the health of your baby.

In fact, it is the most excellent choice and best way of feeding any baby, as noted before! So if you are a new mom, you should prioritize it on your checklists after pregnancy in order to make sure your baby will grow well!

Does appropriate diet while breastfeeding help?

The allergic foods can vary from child to child. Chocolate, peanuts, eggs, milk, and citrus fruits are some common foods that can cause allergic reaction in young children.

Again, when it comes to the issue between breastfeeding and preventing eczema in high-risk babies, the answer is not clear yet.

So, the aim of eczema prevention from breastfeeding should not be the priority goal since currently the evidence of its effectiveness for allergy prevention is also still unclear.

However, there are some studies – and one of reliable studies in the summary called ‘systematic review’ found [4]:

  1. Only 2 out of 10 children born to women who restricted milk (one of the suspected foods that may have an effect in the onset of eczema) during pregnancy & breastfeeding went on to have eczema.
  2. 4 out of 10 children born to women who took unrestricted-diet went on to have this chronic skin condition.

Some experts think that because some kids are allergic to specific foods, these foods may have an effect in causing eczema. And since babies are at very young age, they are very sensitive or even oversensitive to certain foods.

If this theory is true, a nursing woman who doesn’t eat the suspected foods while breastfeeding may be able to reduce her baby’s chance of becoming allergic to these foods. However, this theory is also still not final yet.

Is there a risk of eliminating certain foods during breastfeeding?

Currently, there is no evidence of any risk /harm from nursing women who eliminating certain foods.

However, there is also a chance for baby to get nutrient deficiencies. Therefore to keep safe, it’s much better to consult first with a doctor or work together with a professional dietitian!

Citations /references:


All of these citations accessed on March 2014


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