How to Calm an Ulcer Attack

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If your ulcer is caused by H-pylori infection, take your antibiotics and other medications for the duration directed by your doctor.

Don’t early stop the medications, even though if you start to feel better. Because incomplete course of antibiotics may lead to antibiotic resistance – the medications may wipe out some of bacteria, but not all of them! As a result, the surviving bacteria could be resistant.

Other possible causes of refractory ulcers are as follows:

  1. Bad lifestyle factors such as if you continue smoking and drink high amounts of alcohol. Tobacco smoke and too much consumption of alcohol can hurt your stomach and intestinal lining, making your ulcer more difficult to heal.
  2. If you continue regularly using pain killers (NSAIDs) or other medications that raise the risk of ulcers.
  3. In rare cases, refractory ulcers could be a consequence of an infectious cause other than H-pylori infection, stomach cancer, or other medical conditions (such as Crohn’s disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

Treatment usually involves treating underlying conditions or eliminating factors that interfere with your healing process, along with involving different types of antibiotics.

So it’s important to identify the underlying causes of a refractory ulcer!

One Comment
  1. Reenie
    April 8, 2022 | Reply

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