Can Stomach Ulcers Be Cured Without Surgery

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A number of procedures are available to treat stomach ulcer, an open sore (inflammation) that forms in the lining of the stomach. Treatment is usually focused to target the underlying cause of the disease. For instance, antibiotics are required if H-pylori infection has a role to cause the open sore. How about surgical procedure? Can the disease be cured without surgery?

Surgery is one of treatment options for stomach ulcer. But nowadays it’s less likely to be used to treat the disease since many effective non-surgical treatments are now available!

Non-surgical medications are often enough to cope with the disease. With effective medications, the disease will heal without leaving serious after effects – this is especially true when the open sore in your stomach lining hasn’t become advanced.

The key is seeking medical help as soon as you feel any symptoms of the disease. When the disease is treated at its early stages, you can gain the recovery more easily.

Some common stomach ulcer symptoms are as follows [reference]:

  1. Burning stomach pain, which is the most common symptom. The pain is likely to flare up with empty stomach.
  2. Other stomach discomforts such as nausea, fatty food intolerance, belching, bloating, or feeling of fullness.
  3. Heartburn.
  4. Depending on the severity of the disease, you might also experience unintentional weight loss, appetite loss, trouble breathing, feeling faint, passing stools with blood, or vomiting blood!

What is ulcer surgery for? As well we know that controlling stomach acid is crucial to treat stomach ulcer. If stomach acid production is out of control, the open sore on the inside lining of the stomach is harder to heal. Surgery was used to remove specific parts of the stomach that stimulate or cause excess acid production.

But today, there are many medications that can effectively control stomach acid production without surgery.

Non-surgical medications include:

  1. Medications to reduce or control your stomach acid. There may be several options to choose from, but the most common ones are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine H-2 blockers. Since these medications don’t start to work right away, antacids may also be prescribed to help provide ulcer pain relief.
  2. Antibiotics, to fight against H-pylori infection. If the underlying cause of your ulcer is H-pylori infection, take the full course of your antibiotics. Don’t stop early, even if you begin to get better – otherwise some bacteria may remain, become resistant, and more difficult to kill.
  3. If necessary, your doctor may also prescribe medications to give extra protection to your stomach lining such as sucralfate (cytoprotective agents).

However, surgery is still required in rare cases. It might be recommended with the following situations:


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