Double Chin when you’re Skinny, Why?

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Double chin, a layer of fat occurs below the chin, is a common condition and can affect anyone even skinny people. It’s true that the problem is often associated with more of excess weight gain. Being overweight or obese will carry a lower, second chin more likely. But sometimes it’s still difficult to go away even when you’re at your best weight scale, why?

Genetics may ‘bless’ you

An old wives’ tale suggests that excess fat you gain is to blame for double chin, but this could be different in some cases. Even if you’re thin, it’s possible to have it. In such case, it may look more clearly since it can be ‘too much’ for your skinny profile.

It seems the problem doesn’t always have to do with overweight or obesity. Here, other factors may have a role.

Genetic, for example, could factor into the problem. If someone in your family tree (especially first degree relatives) has tendency to have this medically inconsequential thing, probably so have you.

Also, your skin is likely to sag as you age, which is a natural process of the body. With aging factor, genetic tendency would make double chin even more likely. Experts believe that there is a connection between genetics and skin aging — though this issue is not fully understood (more studies are required) [1].

If this extra layer of fat beneath the chin has to do with genetic and skin aging, lifestyle measures (including making silly mouth and face with targeted chin exercises) are usually not enough to deal with.

What’s more?

Poor posture can sometimes also factor into saggy look of chin area. If your posture is likely to stoop rather standing straight, structures of your neck and jawline (especially muscles around them) might start to atrophy a bit and this would get worse over time. As a result, saggy look such as double chin is likely to form [2].

Sometimes hormonal imbalance is to blame. Hormones can affect lots of things for your body function. Like too much hormones, too little hormones can also result in unpleasant health problems. Some cosmetic issues could also be associated with low thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

Hypothyroidism would make weight gain all over the body more likely, including in the neck area. With the deficiency of thyroid hormone, your body is likely to convert fewer calories into energy. As a result, there will be more fats stored in the body [3].

Also, the normal cycle of skin is probably sensitive to changes of thyroid hormones. One study suggests that the imbalance of thyroid hormone might have an effect on skin health, provoking flaky or dry skin [4].

What’s more? If you notice your double chin suddenly (appears overnight), it may have to do with salivary gland inflammation. Salivary glands are located around the throat and mouth. As the name suggests they’re responsible to make saliva — a clear liquid to help lubricate the mouth, support swallowing, and protect teeth from ‘bad’ bacteria. A number of conditions (e.g. infection, salivary stones, and inflammation) may cause the area of saliva glands to swell up, resulting in submental fullness.

Furthermore, double chin could be a consequence of muscle weakness in less common cases. Saggy look of chin area is possible to form when the neck is poorly strengthened with strong and healthy muscles. In such case, targeted-chin exercises may help.

You might also like to read about how double chin forms in this article!

When treatment is necessary!

If your double chin has to do with certain medical condition, hypothyroidism or something else, treating the underlying cause is a must. But if it has nothing to do with any health condition, treatment is optional since double chin is just a cosmetic issue.

So it’s worth a try to find out whether treatment is really necessary. Double chin doesn’t pose to any health risks. However for some of us it can be very bothersome, making you less confidence and leading to low self-esteem.

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